
Tech Partners

Utility registration

Notify is a free service that automatically updates utility suppliers every time there’s a change in tenancy at a rental property. Integrating it into your software can make this an automatic process, so agents use your software as usual and save 53 hours a week on average.

Agents get paid for every property they submit, and you earn a commission, too.

Our Notify API is ideal for


Property CRMs

  • All tenant details live in your system, making it easy to automatically inform utility suppliers whenever a tenant moves in or out.
  • Add huge value to your software. Agents never have to manually register tenant utilities again, saving them thousands of hours each year.

Referencing Companies

  • Collect tenant details for checks and use this info to automatically update utility suppliers when tenants change, making the process quick and accurate.

Tech Partner Case Study


Unlocking Efficiency

Acquaint CRM is a management software for letting agents, used by 200+ agencies. They integrated the Notify API in 2021.


To get the benefits of our Notify service, agents had to input lettings data twice - into Acquaint and then the Notify dashboard.


Data entry is a one-time task for agents, allowing them to:

  • Save 53 hours per month
  • Update tenancy information and notify suppliers at once
  • Earn commission automatically (up to £15+VAT per let)
  • Benefit from 100% free utility registration


Over 5,00 properties from 50+ agencies have successfully completed utility registration. The seamless integration has led users to start using both Notify and Acquaint CRM, benefiting everyone involved.

The ideal partner for our Notify service

Our ideal partner has access to lots of homemover data for rental properties at the point of the tenant move-in process highlighted below.


Tenant searches for property


Tenant applies for property


Letting agent processes application


Referencing is completed


Tenancy is confirmed by letting agent


Utility registration (and other pre-move tasks completed)


Move in day!


What does a typical Notify API build look like?


API Documentation Review

  • Your technical team reviews the API documentation.


Credential Access

  • You get credential access to our Sandbox environment.
  • This may happen before or after the call between developers.


Developer-To-Developer Technical Call

  • A session designed for you to ask our development team technical questions about the integration.


Integration Build

  • Once commercials are signed and agreed, the integration build starts.
  • Our development team offers ongoing support, usually via email.


Build Complete

  • After the build is complete, our development team arranges a Sandbox test to make sure the data is valid and working correctly.
  • Once approved, you will get live production credentials.

Get started with Notify API