Additional Charges
Here's a list of potential additional charges for a One Utility package.
Virgin Media Business Broadband Activation Charges*
There are no activation charges for this service.
Virgin Media Business Broadband Installation Charge*
There are no activation charges for this service.
Virgin Media Business Broadband & Media Activation Charges*
There are no activation charges for this service.
Sky Business Broadband Installation Charges*
There are no activation charges for this service.
Sky Business Media Installation Charges*
There are no activation charges for this service.
WiFi Boosters
£18 per month
Late Payment Fee
As part of this agreement, customers must pay their monthly payment to Us as it falls due. Failure to adhere may result in Us charging a £25.00 late payment fee, per late payment, that will be raised as an Additional Charge to You.
Late Payment Interest
If You owe Us a debt for a period of time, We may also add interest to the debt at a rate of 3% above the Barclays base rate.
Broadband Missed Appointment
The Suppliers may raise additional charges for missing a scheduled appointment. If this happens, We will pass the Cost to You via an Additional Charge.
Rebel Energy Early Exit Fee
An exit fee of £48.00 per fuel may be applied if the supply leaves Rebel mid-term and there isn’t a change of tenancy.